Frequency Of Rifampicin Resistance Among Sputum Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis Cases By Real Time PCR


  • Muhammad Saqib Musharaf Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore
  • Syed Arif Saeed Zaman Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore
  • Umar Usman Punjab medical university Faisalabad
  • Asad Javaid Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore
  • Faisal Hassan Zahid Chaudery Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore


Sputum smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis, GeneXpert, Primary drug resistance in TB, Multidrug Resistance TB, Rifampicin resistance.


Background: Drug resistance pattern is changing among new cases of sputum smear negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis in our local population as indicated by gradual rise in multidrug resistance, but no local data is available. Real Time PCR (GeneXpert) is latest development which may help us achieve the pattern of drug resistance. Objective of the present study was to determine the frequency of rifampicin resistance among sputum smear negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis cases by Real Time PCR (GeneXpert). Methodology: A cross-sectional survey study was conducted at department of pulmonology in Gulab Devi Chest Hospital/ Al-Aleem Medical College, Lahore from January 2018 to February 2019. After taking an informed consent of 210 patients having history and examination strongly suggestive of tuberculosis and sputum smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis were enrolled. Sputum was sent for GeneXpert analysis. Presence of rpo-B gene indicator of rifampicin resistance was noted. Results: Mean age was 31.9 ± 9.2 years and 109 (51.9%) were male while 101 (48.1%) were female. 17 patients (8.1%) had rifampicin resistance in the sampled population as determined by GeneXpert. There was no effect of gender, mean age, mean number of family members who previously had tuberculosis and mean duration of disease in both groups with and withoutresistance to rifampicin. Conclusion: It is concluded that rifampicin resistance in sputum sever negative pulmonary tuberculosis is quite high i.e., 8.1% so its reasons need to be identified. Key words: Sputum Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis; GeneXpert;Primary Drug Resistance in TB; Multidrug Resistance TB; RifampicinResistance

Author Biographies

Muhammad Saqib Musharaf, Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore

Assiatant Professor of Pulmonolgy Post Graduate Medical Institutte Gulab Devi Educational Complex Lahore - Pakistan

Syed Arif Saeed Zaman, Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore

Assiatant Professor of PulmonolgyPost Graduate Medical Institutte Gulab Devi Educational Complex

Umar Usman, Punjab medical university Faisalabad

Associate professor of pulmonology, Punjab medical university Faisalabad 

Asad Javaid, Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore

Senior registrar, department of pulmonology,   Al-Aleem medical college, Gulab Devi Teaching Hospital Lahore 

Faisal Hassan Zahid Chaudery, Gulab Devi Chest Hospital Lahore

Senior registrar, department of pulmonology,  Al-Aleem medical college, Gulab Devi Teaching Hospital Lahore



2021-08-10 — Updated on 2021-08-10


How to Cite

Musharaf, M. S., Zaman, S. A. S., Usman, U., Javaid, A., & Zahid Chaudery, F. H. (2021). Frequency Of Rifampicin Resistance Among Sputum Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis Cases By Real Time PCR. Pakistan Journal of Chest Medicine, 27(1), 20–24. Retrieved from



Original Article