Retrospective investigation of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in adult patients: An analysis of clinical Characteristics


  • Fahad Usman
  • Abdul Sallam Sajid
  • Asim Maqsood
  • Maira Arif
  • Tahir Mukhtar Sayed
  • Humaira Mubeen Afzal


Spontaneous Pneumothorax, Adults Patients, Risk Factor, Clinical Characteristics


Background: Spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) typically manifests as persistent, intense, one-sided chest pain that worsens with deep breaths and adjustments in body position. It can manifest with breathlessness or a combination of breathlessness and chest pain. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate spontaneous pneumothorax in adult patients. Methodology: This retrospective study was conducted on 104 spontaneous pneumothorax adults patients in the Department of Medicine, Shalamar Hospital, Lahore from January 2022 to September 2022. All individuals aged ≥18 years presented with spontaneous pneumothorax were included. Data regarding demographic characteristics, clinical details, radiological findings, and treatment approaches was collected from medical records. Results: The overall mean age was 44.6±8.2 years. Patients were distributed based on age group as follows: 42 (40.4%) in 18-35 years, 52 (50%) in 36-50 years, and 10 (9.6%) in 51-65 years. Spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) was more prevalent among males. Smoking emerged as a significant risk factor, with 48.1% of all cases having a history of smoking. The most frequent symptom associated with SP was dyspnea, often accompanied by unilateral chest pain. Tuberculosis was identified as the leading cause of SP. Moreover, tube thoracostomy successfully managed 85% of the cases. Conclusion: Spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) exhibited a higher prevalence among males and tended to occur more frequently during the third and fifth decades of life. Assessing the clinical profile of patients with SP was valuable in determining its underlying causes. Early screening for risk factors and identifying comorbidities played a crucial role in SP prevention. Keywords: Spontaneous Pneumothorax; Adults patients; Risk factors; Clinical Characteristics

Author Biographies

Fahad Usman

Department of Community Medicine, Sialkot Medical College, Sialkot - Pakistan

Abdul Sallam Sajid

Department of Medicine, Shalamar Hospital, Lahore - Pakistan

Asim Maqsood

Department of Medicine, Avicenna Medical College and Hospital, Lahore - Pakistan

Maira Arif

Islam Medical and Dental College, Sialkot – Pakistan

Tahir Mukhtar Sayed

Department of Medicine, Akhtar Saeed Medical College, Rawalpindi - Pakistan

Humaira Mubeen Afzal

Department of Medicine, Avicenna Medical College and Hospital, Lahore - Pakistan


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How to Cite

Fahad Usman, Abdul Sallam Sajid, Asim Maqsood, Maira Arif, Tahir Mukhtar Sayed, & Humaira Mubeen Afzal. (2023). Retrospective investigation of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in adult patients: An analysis of clinical Characteristics. Pakistan Journal of Chest Medicine, 29(2), 141–147. Retrieved from



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